the Way 2 Win - A new Fable on Real Success in LifeHave a peep inside the book
Dr. V.V. Rao
A perfect Gift for someone special
A 4 color photopgraphic book with relevant topics and quotes - A rare collection from around the world
100 plus real gorgeous photographs snapped from bosom of nature to give a visual treat for your eyes. At the same time there are relevant quotes which motivate the reader by embedding the messages deep down to one's heart and soul.
How many times in your own life have you completely missed the opportunity of becoming one with Nature's beauty
because you were preoccupied with fears from the past or for the future?
From the sprawling oak to the soaring eagle, nature provides shelter, solace, and inspiration. We are instinctively
awed by Nature's grandeur and beauty for we can feel the majesty of the creative force just behind the vista of Nature.
Nature has a way of slowing me down... sooth-ing and quieting my mind. I try to spend as much time outdoors as I possibly can.
While being outdoors with nature, I feel the richness of inner growth.
In its most profound sense, beauty engenders a salient experience of positive reflection about the meaning of one's own existence.
Through this collection of photographs captured by my lens and gelled with inspiring quotes from various authors and my own insights,
I attempt to give expression to my great sense of gratitude for what Nature gives us and for being in a continuous journey of discovery
of the divinity within and without.
I hope that the pictures and quotes in this book invigorate, inspire and motivate the reader. This is my modest gift for all
with a wish for a life time of joy and fulfillment.
- Dr. V. V. Rao
About the Compilation "the Way2Win"
I fondly cherish my childhood years spent in a village of India surrounded by enchanting hills and lush green fields, innumerable
trees defining the boundaries, awakening each morning to the welcoming sunrises and retiring to the peaceful tranquility of the village
sunsets. Having spent those carefree years as a child observing and growing up in the lap of nature, admiring and drawing inspiration
from Nature was for me as natural as breathing.
While progressing on the journey of life from that carefree childhood to achieving many ambitious dreams and goals, I have travelled
frequently for work to various parts of the world. I walked down the bye-lanes of country-sides in the continents of this planet,
bringing back the experiences of joy of those childhood years while my lens captured the many beautiful sights that my eyes could
behold - be it the feather of a bird or the petals on a flower. Through this compilation, I offer these captured sights back to Nature
and share them with you all.
While travelling I used to read and many authors and learned persons have through their wonderful books and intellectual essays been
instrumental in making me the person I am today. Their wonderful quotes that I read in railway stations and airports made me think out
of the suitcase and at times inspired me to pen down my own thoughts. These are the ones I turn too frequently when the need for a
different and better perspective arises and makes me grow stronger each day.
This compilation is a testimony of my deeper appreciation of, and connection with, Nature and I therefore feel indebted to the
Maker - for his wonderful creations and the very gift of life and for my Being.
- Dr. V. V. Rao
"Take pleasure in helping others achieve." - Dr. V. V. Rao