Publishing made simple...
e-Publish your dream Book with Us?
Be a proud Internationally Published Author
Thinking of writing a book? or Written a book? or Want to e-Publish-a-Book?
Have a manuscript ready and thinking of self-publishing?
Or self-published a book and finding it difficult to reach your readers?
We would say, Don't self-publish? You will certainly ask the question 'Why?'
For the simple reason, today publishing a book is easy. But reaching it to the reader is
where the self-published author gets paralyzed. Don't you want your dream book to reach millions?
We, CreatiVentures help you to reach to the global readers with our well established distribution network.
We help you to e-publish professionally and quality books.
You will save on time, energy, efforts and money.
Above all, what you pay is less than what if you would have self-published.e-publishing is simple, easy and swift.
You can talk to any of our first-time authors and then think of publishing with us.
We are genuine, we want to support you in becoming a proud published author. That is our mission and goal, than being a lucrative business house -
Our contribution to the society, humanity and generations to come...
Remember, CreatiVentures is an author bloomering venture. Bloomering your publishing dreams to reality.
end to end support for e-publishing your book
Through our exclusive publishing process, you maintain creative control of your book. From editing and proofreading to cover design and page layout; from royalties and distribution to marketing and returnability, you choose what you want for your book. Best of all, our team of publishing professionals will support and encourage you throughout the entire process. So whether this is your first, second or 25th book, we can help you reach your publishing goals.
how we help you e-Publish-a-book?
CreatiVentures functions as an umbrella for those thinking of e-publishing.
We are an author-publishing firm where every author becomes a part of the publishing venture.
As a first-time author, you will join hands with us bearing the publishing costs and being a distributor of our books.
When we e-Publish-a-Book, we take publishing charges from the author. The whole process of e-publishing and distribution is our responsibility.
Your book can get e-published within a short span of one week with additional advantage of reaching to millions of readers globally.
This is the unique feature CreatiVentures offers to our first-time authors.
how to submit your manuscript?
CreatiVentures Publishing invites authors who have manuscripts on motivation,
inspiration, self-help, spiritual, philosophy, psychology, to contact us to learn about how to submit your manuscript for consideration.
We only accept Print-ready manuscripts (professionally edited & proofed) in word format.
specifications for manuscript submission
1. Entire manuscript as word document (headings bold and centered)
2. Table of Content (as a separate word file).
3. Excerpt from the book (as a separate word file).
4. Key words minimum 15 (pick those words which can target search to your book).
5. Cover front as jpg. Size (5.5" x 8.5"/1600x2400) (Resolution 300dpi).
6. Backcover text/about the book (approximately 150 words or less).
7. Author bio (approximately 100 words or less).
8. Author Photo, good quality, passport size
9. Author website/blog links if any. Also other social media links: linkedin, fb, instagram, printest etc...
Our editorial team will respond to you in 48 hours.
grant of rights and indemnity
You grant to CreatiVentures, throughout the term of this Agreement,
a non-exclusive right and license to distribute Ebooks, directly and through third-party online bookstores and distributors,
in all digital formats by all digital distribution means available globally. This right shall be irrevocable unless and until
you terminate this Agreement according to its terms.
CreatiVentures is not responsible for any errors in the manuscript you provide or the content and its genuinity. You are the sole-owner of the Ebook files that we create.
Can delist any of your ebooks from or terminate the Agreement at any time, however the process will take one month or more after your instructionas third parties are involved.
"Life is a choiceless choice but NOW you can make your right choice." - Joji Valli
how to get in touch with us?
Or feel free to send us an email at: |
To order our titles over the phone, please call: +91 9689257575 | 9175388062 | 9881843756
Mail us: C-22, Karan Gharonda, Sainikwadi, Pune 411014, Maharashtra, INDIA
We hope you find what you're looking for in our publishing support and in our published titles.
Questions and comments are always welcome at CreatiVentures Publishing
Feel free to Contact Us
Do you want to e-publish your life's work?
Have you been rejected by a publisher?
How did you feel to be rejected?
Did you get de-motivated?
We encourage you.
Yes. e-Publish NOW.
how do you support us?
- Social Media Marketing
- By word of mouth
- Your seminars, talks, discussion forums
- Online networking groups or social websites
- Your personal blog, websites etc.
- Forword/share our mails and updates to your dear ones